Monday 24 February 2020

word of the week

 this is the word of the week as you can see the word of the week is humble. if you look at my word of the week poster humble means not angry or not angry but calm.

Wednesday 19 February 2020

self portrate

this is my self-portrait we used pole line to do it and it was hard but worth it.

Monday 17 February 2020

word of the week

As a class we do word of the week and it was horizon. Word of the Week is when we have a word each week and we have to find out what it means. I found it easy this week because I already knew what a horizon was. Next week I could make my work BTB by writing a quality caption independently.

Friday 14 February 2020

Monday 10 February 2020

word of the week

  this is the first word of the week of the year and the word is sovereignty it was a big word too

Wednesday 5 February 2020

assassins creed

I think that assassins creed is my favourite game because Ezio is the most famous assassin in the franchise and he looks cool there is such an open world that you can go through and find chests and material to craft and make new weapons and you can upgrade your weapons. there is a thing and it is called eagle vision and will help to find your enemy and locate secret messages chests and invisible notes on walls and the ground. he chooses the hidden blade to sneak and kill with a single swing and in combat, if you stagger two opponents you can do a combo or a brutal takedown and the bystanders will be in fear and run away. that is y I think that the original assassins creed game is my favourite in the franchise.Image result for Assassin's Creed Ezio full character"